Newbury, UK - January 2010 - Micrographica to launch new suite of scientific imaging software for acquisition, measurement and analysis of digital media - images or movies - for microscopy and machine vision.
The suite consists of 3 different product editions - each offering industry leading features and usability and exceptional good value for money.
Micrographica Scientific Imaging Software can be purchased from a range of qualified distributors.
Why is Micrographica Imaging Software so attractive?
It has all the typical features found in imaging software PLUS many additional unique features.
What is really unique in Micrographica?
Nearly all current imaging software is intended to analyse only still images, not sequences (video). Micrographica brings image analysis into time dimension by providing tracking, animation and measurement/analysis of dynamic parameters.
But sequences, time dimension and object tracking is a standard in other high-end imaging software already, isn't it?
Yes, in some - image sequences can be recorded/loaded and individual objects can be tracked in some more advanced imaging packages. But typically it is only a limited addition to the rest of the software, which is usually tied to static analysis and measurement.
In most cases the answer is 'No'.
On top of that, these high-end imaging software packages are expensive. Micrographica is econonimically priced.
What is so important about dynamic analysis?
All microscopy cameras can record live sequences and that is their main feature. Customers buy movie cameras for their microscopes, they record and display video clips, but they don't have any tools to analyze them. Their software usually forces them to make only static processing, measurements and annotations on still images.
Analysis of live (moving) cells and tissues starts to play an important role in modern life science. What is the point of observing and recording motion in the micro-world without the possibility of analysin various dynamic data?
Then, Micrographica can be used only with image sequences (video)?
No. Dynamic analysis and animation in Micrographica is totally transparent. If you load a still image from disc or acquire one from a camera mounted on a microscope, you can make image processing and object analysis the same way as you would do with typical imaging software.
Annotation and measurement objects are static, so are image filters. Dynamic tools like tracking are disabled.
Can Micrographica be used with various microscope cameras?
Yes, most of the other imaging software offerings are intended to be used only with a limited range of camera models (usually the manufacturer's own). Micrographica supports all cameras with a WDM (Windows Device Model) driver.
All video camcorders, which can also be used with microscopes, and many microscope cameras provide that. For instance Pixelink cameras are supported this way, but Micrographica also supports Nikon (U1, QM, U2/L2) cameras or Deltapix Invenio cameras, which are not WDM compliant.
Other non-WDM cameras like Hamamatsu can easily be supported in the future by providing additional plug-ins based on manufacturer's drivers.
Can Micrographica control typical digital "still" cameras?
Yes and this is another really unique feature.
When only static (still) images are required some users prefer to not to use expensive, microscope dedicated cameras. Some users find that digital compact and SLR cameras with special adapters can be used with microscopes giving the same or even better quality and resolution for a lower price.
The main drawback is that typical imaging software cannot remotely control such cameras. Micrographica is the only imaging software on the market which can control Canon, Olympus and Nikon range of digital cameras (compact and SLR). Remote control means not only the ability to change the camera's exposure parameters, triggering a shot remotely and transmit an image to the computer.
Micrographica also shows a live view from the digital camera - exactly the same workflow as with dedicated microscope cameras. Unfortunately, some of these companies recently postponed remote control support for their new compact cameras under Windows Vista and later systems, but modern SLRs from Canon and Olympus are still supported in Micrographica.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Micrographica compared to other mass market products?
A detailed answer would need a detailed comparison between each product and Micrographica, because each competitor has a slightly different feature set - but in general:
Micrographica can be quickly and easily localized to different languages without any change in the software's code.
New Scientific Imaging Software to be launched by Micrographica