Newbury, UK - May 2011 - Micrographica announces a new major release of its innovative scientific imaging software. Micrographica version 2.0 is the first commercial microscopy software available on all three major OS platforms – Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
"We are very excited that our industry leading imaging software is now also available for Mac OS X users. We know that Mac OS X support is an important requirement from many of our large camera manufacturer partners and customers".
In addition to support for Mac OS X the new version 2.0 offers a number of exiting new features and properties on top of what was already included in the previous versions:
Faster, more efficient internal engine with threaded image processing, which drastically improves performance on multi-core processors.
Multi-platform support (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux).
Improved user interface with animated docking and enhanced drag/drop features.
Enhanced and improved image file format support (.jpg, .jp2, .tif, .tga, .png, .bmp, .exr, .hdr, .jpf, .mng, .pbm, .pcd, .pcx, .pct, .pic, .ppm, .psd, .ras, .raw, .cr2, .sgi, .rgb, .jpeg, .pict, .tiff, .targa)
High dynamic range (HDR) image composition.
Nikon Instruments NIS ND2 file format support (Windows version only).
Multi-cell tracking and analysis.
Microscopy automation which supports multi-dimensional scanning including tiling, EDF and HDRI composition, or any combination of those.
Version 2.0 has been rewritten using the Qt4 multiplatform framework.
Micrographica releases new version 2.0. Now also available for Mac OS X and Linux.